Once Fein’s patent on their oscillating tool ran out in 2008, companies rushed their own versions to market. Bosch was one of the first, and they continue to have one of the finest oscillating tools available. Popular Mechanics rated the Bosch MX25E model as “best overall” in 2012. The MX25E is included in these two tool kits described below. Let’s review them both and see which one will be the best for you.
Bosch MX25EK-33 120-Volt 33-Piece Oscillating Tool Kit

The MX25EK-33 kit comes with a superb assortment of thirty-three accessories, from blades to sanding pads. It’s a lot larger than the M25EC-21 kit below. Bosch includes an OSCAD-1 adapter in both kits that serves two purposes: it allows for mounting the accessories in different positions and it makes it possible to use blades from competitors.
What accessories are included in this big kit, you ask? Let’s be precise: a metal plunge-cut blade, a wood plunge-cut blade, a Japanese-tooth wood saw blade, a RIFF grout blade, a rigid scraper blade, a rasp blade, and the sanding pad plus 25 sanding triangles. All of these store neatly in the accessory box. The tool and the rest of the kit can be stored in the hard plastic case.
Blades and other accessories have to be removed and mounted using the included Allen wrench and screw—the MX25E isn’t tool-less. The backing pad uses hook-and-loop for a secure grip on the sanding triangles. Bosch says that after much use the backing pad will fail to grip well and will need to be replaced just like any other accessory. They say that if it seems to wear out too fast, it’s probably because the user is exerting too much force on the tool. They recommend just gentle pressure to guide it.
The MX25E has a soft start, so it takes a moment to get up to full speed. That way the user is less likely to gouge or damage a work-piece. The full oscillation from left to right is 2.8 degrees. There are 6 speed settings controlled by a dial at the rear of the tool. The lowest speed is 8,000opm (oscillations-per-minute), and the fastest is 20,000opm. Scraping paint off wood can be done at the lowest setting, and cutting copper pipe could be done at the highest. Bosch includes a chart in the owner manual that has recommended accessories and speed settings for various jobs.
In case you’re not familiar with oscillating tools, they can handle a lot of different tasks. They can flush and plunge cut wood, plastic, and metal; remove old caulk, grout, and plaster; sand in hard-to-reach areas, and even more.
Power tools aren’t usually quiet to use, but the MX25E is the least noisy among similar tools in its class, hitting only 83 decibels. That’s well below OSHA standards for prolonged exposure.
Finally, Bosch put a thoughtful touch on the MX25E. The cord measures 8 feet 5 incheslong so the user has room to work, and it has a ball-joint swivel to keep it out of the way. The tool itself weighs just 3.3 pounds and has an ergonomic grip. The width of the tool is 2.25 inches so it isn’t too big even for smaller hands.
More features of the Bosch MX25EK kit
- Runs on 2.5Amps
- MX25E measures 10.9-inches long
- No-mar ribs on the front of the tool housing help prevent scratches
- User-replaceable motor brushes in the tool
- Bosch offers a one-year warranty and service contract with a 30-day money-back guarantee
Bosch MX25EC-21 2.5-Amp Multi-X Oscillating Tool Kit

The MX25EC-21 kit is smaller than the MX25EK-33 kit described above. It has the OSCAD-1 adapter so the user can mount accessories from competing brands. It also has the sanding pad and the sanding triangles, but only 15 of them. It also contains the wood plunge-cut blade, the RIFF grout blade, a saw blade, and a rigid scraper blade.
It comes with an accessory box to store the blades and pads. The MX25E oscillating tool is included, and fits inside the soft-sided nylon tool bag. It’s the same tool as is described above in the other kit.
More features of the Bosch MX25EC kit
- Bosch offers a one-year warranty and service contract with a 30-day money-back guarantee
The MX25E oscillating tool is worth having, no matter which accessory kit you buy.
Even if you don’t plan to use all the accessories now, once you start enjoying working with the MX25EK-33, you’ll probably find other jobs where you can use the other blades and pads. Personally, I prefer to have too many than not enough.
If you happen to have oscillating tool accessories from other brands, you may get the smaller kit, the MX25EC-21. Bosch includes an adapter that will allow you to use other parts from other companies such as Fein, Makita, and Ridgid.
Click here to purchase Bosch MX25EK-33 on Amazon!
Click here to purchase Bosch MX25EC-21 on Amazon!